Wednesday 11 July 2012

A Leap of Faith!

For someone who prides them self at taking chances and trying new things, I do come to quite a shocking halt when reaching a cliff.

Okay, let me stop speaking metaphorically for a moment (only a moment). So many times I feel like running away when a new opportunity or challenge comes along. It is a knee-jerk response that I find quite strange and weirdly enough unnatural. Why are we so afraid of things that are unknown? I was afraid to go to University, did I make it out alive? Check. I was afraid I would never be able to drive a car, but now it is second nature! (weirdly enough not so unnatural)

So now for the first time in a long while, on my long journey to who knows where, I have come to a cliff in the road and the gap I need to jump is freakin huge! In fact I can't even see the other side of the cliff! How the heck will I reach the other side, that is if there is an other side?!

But then I think of all the other cliffs I've jumped over, sometimes I was pushed over and other times I had to trick myself to jump. And in that moment of remembering I get this strange sensation of just wanting to jump, just to see what will happen and it doesn't feel unnatural. Not jumping, not taking that leap of faith seems unnatural.

That is truly what a leap of faith is: leaping with all your might and carrying on and believing and knowing that once you have jumped the net will appear, because only once you've jumped you truly believe and only once you believe you will see God standing there with the net stretched ready to catch you. And if you miss the net, well He'll be standing by with some Mercurochrome.

So that is what I'll do. I'll take the chance. I'll accept the challenge. Even if the result was just me stretching my legs. Every time jumping a little further and with more flare each time. So, see you on the flip-side!

Ps. Just incase someone is reading this and thinking that they should really jump off an actual cliff, don't. That would be the opposite of a leap of faith. And that is quite unnatural. Stick it out for a little while more, it'll soon get better, and you'll be glad you stuck around.

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