Sunday 27 November 2011

No Butter for Losers!

Wow!  A long time has past since I've been active on my blog... I know the first rule to blogging is 'blog regularly', but unfortunately I was not in a place to write, or when I was in a that so-called 'place', I was too busy.  I'll try and make an effort to make time and find a 'place' not just for the reader's sake (is anyone even out there?). but mostly (at least at this moment) for mine.
This might sound all doom and gloom, but it's actually not (or my sub-conscious is just suppressing it - whatever works for you).  I am glad to inform those who do not already know, that I did in, in fact, win the iPhone 4s!! Jay!! If you read my previous post you will know what I'm talking about, there was some difference though: I did not go buy it in New York.  Instead, when the iPhone 4S was released, Smokoo (the company who ran the competition), had a poll asking what we want.  One person winning the chance to go to New York and getting the new iPhone, or thee people not going to New York, but each getting the new iPhone.  I opted for the second option, and luckily so did 70% of the voters.  Lucky, because my name was drawn second from the bag of names.

A couple of weeks later the directors from Smokoo came to my work to hand over my brand spanking super fast iPhone 4s.  I had some difficulty with Vodacom with doing a SIM-swap, but that is a story I prefer not to relive. 
So to all those haters out there, who kept on saying what a scam the whole competition is, thank you.  Thank you for not entering, which just increased my chances of winning.  I tried and won and guess what, you are still a loser!  Hopefully you have learnt your lesson and will start being a winner soon. (And no, I don't work for Smokoo... unfortunately...)
 Maybe soon I will be struck with a great idea and shoot it on my HD capable phone and upload it for all to see, then you can review those films and tell me all about it.  Don't go anywhere, I'll be talking about a couple of shows and films soon! Why don't you get a large popcorn while you are waiting and don't be stingy on the butter! I know I won't be.

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