Wednesday 7 March 2012

A Single Man (2009)

I don’t know why I did not hear about this movie earlier.  That is sometimes the problem with the blockbuster mentality, is that the fantastic films get lost because they don’t get enough advertising.  In a way, I think this film found me.  For 3 years, I didn’t hear anything about this film and suddenly I saw posters of it in new magazines and saw people reviewing it or heard people speaking about it and how good it is, so I got it.  That was an incredibly valuable decision I made.

I have to admit, I was never a huge fan of Colin Firth, but at the same time I never disliked him either.  I enjoyed the roles he played in films and I really enjoyed the films as well, but I was never sold.  Consider me all in, buying everything, even if it’s not on sale!  In A Single Man Colin was unbelievable.  But it wasn’t just him.  The cinematography was exceptional; I could look away for one second!  The combination of every carefully planed shot with the skillfully edited pace and the amazing score that draws you into this man’s reality, it’s just magic. 

I have never felt this way when watching a movie, where every fiber in your being is drawn into this film.  Not once did I think a shot looked bad, or even just acceptable.  Every shot in the film looked as though it was planned for hours, even days and because of that you simply could look away.  My favorite part is where Colin Firth has an extremely emotional scene and the camera is right up in his face, and as he gives in to his emotions the camera does not move away, they don’t cut to another perspective.  They just stay on him as he bares his soul and is phenomenal.  I’m also a huge fan of Julian Moore and her tragic character was like a breath of fresh depressing air.  That is the only way I can describe her role. 

I can go on for pages about this film, but it still won’t do the film justice.  So my only advice is to go get the film and watch it as soon as possible.  I didn’t have popcorn while watching this, but I think it was better, because I could devote all my attention to the film.  Personally I think you need to see this film by your lonesome self so you can feel and experience the film with only your emotions and the films emotions in the room.  It is a definite must see for every one, this wonderful story of love, loss of love and the best and worst moments in life.  I can’t guarantee that you are going to feel good after this film, it’s not meant to make you feel good, but there is some deep beauty within this heartbreaker.  And at the end of it all it is life.  Beautiful. Ugly. Truthful.  

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